Kintsugi - Beautifully Broken

Collection: Kintsugi - Beautifully Broken

Inspired by the Japanese art form used in repairing pottery. This of course is merely an artistic representation of the true art of Kintsugi, intentionally designed to pay tribute to the art and philosophy behind it.

The Kintsugi styled design was inspired during my journaling sessions when processing the idea of accepting and embracing my flaws and faults. As a perfectionist, I often get negative of myself with every little thing and always feel the weight of not being *enough* in whatever capacity. The Kintsugi art of repairing pottery with seams of gold and precious metals naturally embraces the philosophy of highlighting the flaws and finding beauty within imperfections. It's a philosophy that really hits home for me personally and seeing the beautiful Kintsugi art always serves as a reminder to love and be who I am now rather than to mourn who I am not yet. 

Kintsugi - Beautifully Broken